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HomePromotion Procedures

Ozark Blues Society of Northwest Arkansas

Promotion Procedures



Thank you for contacting Ozark Blues Society of Northwest Arkansas for assistance in promoting your blues act or blues related event. Please read our guidelines below to become aware of

the options we make available in our effort to support live blues music and to “Keep the Blues Alive.” Please feel free to contact us through the contact links on our newsletter, website,

and Facebook if you have questions or need assistance.

  • Newsletter
    • Articles: Submissions for articles of all types are open to all readers, however Ozark Blues Society (Newsletter Editor) reserves the right to choose what to include based on timeline of events and space. OBS newsletter reserves the right to edit for space and make the final determination of content. All submitted articles must be edited for spelling, grammar and clarity and be delivered in an editable file format such as MSWord. Blues history articles must be accurate historically. Reviews of music, bands, venues, or events must be respectful and sincere. Articles submitted promoting bands and events must meet the following criteria.
      • Band/Performer Bio/promotion: Articles that offer information about a band WITHOUT being part of an upcoming event will be accepted IF the article submission falls within one month of the band being recognized during a local, regional, or national contest/award ceremony. A minimum of one included performer MUST be a current member of OBS (please include member’s name when submitting article.) The article may include up to two links and must include a 300dpi photo of the performer/band. A maximum of one band/award bio per newsletter. To be included in a Friday newsletter, the article and all the required components must be received by 6pm Thursday the week publication is requested, however, OBS still reserves the right to select the publication date. Accepted articles will run for two weeks
      • Events: Articles promoting local, regional, and national special events are accepted for inclusion in the newsletter. Publication of articles for regional and national events will occur at the discretion of the OBS board officers and as newsletter space allows. Publication of local events will be based on several points:
        • All included events must be open to the public
        • Events must be held at a venue who partners or has partnered with OBS OR the performer/band must include at least one current member of OBS.
        • Local events that include one (or more) nationally recognized acts will be accepted even if they do not meet the membership/partnership statements above.

        Articles for events may be submitted up to two months in advance. Once accepted OBS will run a “mark your calendar” mini article for one week. The full article will run for two or three issues immediately prior to the event. It is recommended submissions include a jpeg poster/graphic of 300dpi or similar. Please include times, dates, cost, etc. even if the same information is included on the graphic/poster. The article may include up to two links. You may offer additional links but they are not guaranteed to be included. OBS reserves the right to publish OBS sponsored and other board of director selected event articles for more than 3 issues at our discretion.


  • Calendar
    • Two Week Calendar: This calendar begins on the Friday the newsletter is published and included dates through the second Saturday after publication. It is comprised of local and regional events gleaned from various local community calendars, OBS partner venue websites, and through direct submission by musicians. Artists are asked to send listings for the calendar in text format on a weekly basis (for each upcoming newsletter) as needed. The calendar covers local events for all blues players and regional and national events for OBS member musicians. Time does not allow the newsletter editor to visit individual Facebook or artist websites each week, however we reserve the right to access them to confirm listings from community calendars as needed. OBS may occasionally feature non-blues events of local interest.
    • “Mark Your Calendar”: This calendar features events for approximately three months in advance. Listings MUST include a special event, a visiting regional or national act, or occur at a partner venue. Listed events are gleaned from partner venue websites as well as submitted by artists, other blues societies, and promoters. Events may include non-blues music IF they are submitted by a sister society, or OBS partner venue. OBS reserves the right to share selected community interest events. This calendar does NOT include upcoming dates for local bands UNLESS the appearance is at a partner venue and a request to add the date is submitted by the artist.



  • Facebook
    • Main Page: This is the Facebook home of OBS. Posts on this page are only those related to OBS events, the weekly newsletter, history and national blues news, and posts related to board recommended special events. All posting is done by those with “admin” privileges. A pinned post on the main page directs visitors wishing to post events to the event page.
    • Events Page: (8/26/22 Currently inaccessible due to FB update process) This is a new OBS managed page that is available as a space for bands, fans, and friends of the blues to post. The intent is for musician’s to be able to post graphics and videos related to their art and schedule. OBS reserves the right to remove posts that do not meet the criteria posted on the page. A pinned post will direct visitors looking for OBS home on Facebook to the main page.
    • Tagging: Tagging of photos on our page and tagging of our page by others is currently allowed. Please do NOT tag Ozark Blues Society Facebook main or Facebook events when sharing events in which OBS is not a sponsor, producer, or partner.


  • OBS Website
    • Currently the OBS website is NOT used as a clearinghouse for upcoming events. OBS events are usually posted and sent to the website calendar. Outside events we share are sometimes posted on the home page without a calendar listing or page of their own. The website is our main connection for managing memberships and running our blues challenge. The website is still waiting for an update.


Created May 16, 2018

Last updated August 26, 2022